Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Today we tried some more styles of " fabric printing". This one was done with a homemade block of wood. If you look really closely you can see the wood print in the Orange Black blocks.
It was fun to do, and I am looking forward to trying out more of the different fabric printing techniques.

 Yesterday, we did fabric printing using a flour/water slurry which we painted on the fabric, we let it dry, and crunched up the fabric, to make cracks in it. Once we had the effect we wanted, we painted it with a choice color, which had an emulsion in it to make the colour permanent.We let dry overnight, and then this morning I washed the dried emulsion, and flour mixture off my fabric. Unfortunately mine didn't work out the first time, I either had added to much flour- water mix, and didn't let it dry properly, which didn't crunch, to give me a lot of the lines and cracks. So, I retried the whole process, so we will see tomorrow if it worked out. I will post pictures of it tomorrow.

So, in the picture above you will see the effect of the flour slurry. I was thrilled with the results. I liked it so much that you will notice the larger photocopied picture. I just photocopied my fabric and then blew it up to a larger size, and then with black marker drew lines on the copy. Presto you have a birch tree. This print is going to be used in a future project that you will come to see.

Today I tried Silk Screen Printing again. I tried to use two different colours this time.( they required two templates) in this technique I first made Red balls, and then used a template with the stem, and sponged on the template the black stems.

They turned out okay ( for my first attempt at this), but  I need to learn how to do this by rote, and I'm not there yet. I guess that is why they say " Practice, Practice, Practice".

                                                                     WAX PRINTING


 This week we finally started our Textile course. The pictures that I have posted earlier on my blog are things I made at the different " workshops" we have had for the past four weeks. These " workshops were meant for us to get to know the other courses that are being offered at our school. Also that we get to know the other teachers, and students.

Anyways, as I said this week we started Fabric Printing, and the different mediums that can be used in Fabric Printing. This is my first attempt at using Wax in our Silk Screen Printing. The wax was a bit tricky to work with, it dried up so quickly, and because there was no colour to the wax, you weren't sure if you got a proper coat of wax on the screen.

 I tried in this picture, to overlap the pictures over each other. That is why some darker area's show up.I'm not sure yet if i like the effect. It's kinds cool, but I wish I would have looked more carefully how I placed the darker area's. Next time I will be more careful. I guess that is what this school is all about. Learn from your mistakes.

 It will be so interesting to see how my work develops. 


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